Color is magic! Technology has brought us a variety of ways to work with color in photography. We always had most of these options in the shooting and developing stages of photography, however, we did not have the web. The web -- which is referred to as "Virtual" -- is not real. It is real in some ways, we can see it, here it, but we can't really touch or hold it unless we print it out to hard copy. How we use color in the virtual world is also different.
Today you will begin to learn about the different types of color and how they all work. Get ready!!
1. First go to the shortcut folder on your hard drive. We are going to build a folder with your name on it for all your work. Go under File/New/Folder, When the folder appears, click on the name "untitled" once. When it becomes active type your full name.
2. Below are four photos, please download them to your hard drive /shortcuts/your folder and save. Then open up photoshop.
Exercise: I will be demonstrating each power point sample.You are going to recreate what was shown on the power point.
We will create 4 images applying:
Hue Saturation
Channel manipulation (2)
Color balance
Use all photos any of the photos provided on the blog. Do not override the original photo. If you feel confident, you can experiment with the tools taught, interchanging them within reason. However, we do not want to loose the integrity but enhance the beauty of the image. Create 5 examples total and label them. Save them into your folder. Save as photoshop file; label the technique and your name for example - Huesaturationsmith.psd
Reminder: The blog article is due Monday - for A day and Tuesday - for B day. it is below.